2024 part 1

Well, so far 2024 has been a proper roller coaster. The reason I’m writing this is just to get it out of my system. To help me process through the act of writing (typing) things out. There are many ways to deal with things. I’m a nerd so I chose to blog.

I think everyone knows now but just in case you don’t, I’m getting divorced. It wasn’t my choice, it wasn’t expected expected but it is happening. I didn’t see it coming and it hit me like a freight train. The fact I didn’t see it coming is probably part of the problem. It’s happening now and we’re keeping things amicable. I genuinely wish Jen every happiness in life.

This happened at the beginning of January so nearly 8 and a bit weeks ago. January was awful. I spent most of it on the verge of tears. So much so a random commuter asked me if I was ok one morning as I was getting off the tram.

To make matters worse I’d lost the person who kept me grounded, who I have always relied on and I spent most of the month feeling lost. Like most things, they get better and easier with the support of friends and family, especially Lauren, who knew what was going on.

At the end of January after feeling sorry for myself for a few weeks I took stock of a few things. I was (still am) very overweight. Finances were not great, with multiple pensions following multiple redundancies with job changes. and lots of things intertwined in a joint account. The scales weren’t good, I’m not going into the numbers here but changes had to be made here too.

While taking stock I realised that this was the right decision for both of us and will allow us both to move on and be happier than we were.

Reset time

So following a good chat and a much-needed hug from Mark and a brill night out with Jon. The next day I resolved to kick start the rest of my life and try and move on.

I’ve started taking measures to sort out my finances. Sooner or later I’m going to need to look to buy somewhere new. I read up on the divorce process (fun times) and I made a plan to lose a chunk of weight. 

Things started to look brighter. The big numbers on the scales because a bit smaller, by just over a stone so far. Mostly by upping my step count, doing more exercise, and making better food and drink choices. So far it seems to be working according to the scales, it’s not really visible that I’ve lost anything. It’s not, I have the photos :). Most importantly I feel so much better health-wise and my clothes are starting to fit better.

I’m not looking for validation, I don’t need comments saying I’ve lost weight I need holding to account. I’d much rather be asked how’s it going and am I still sticking to it. I’m not, ever going to be ripped but I do intend to shed a big chunk of weight and keep it off. 

I thought I was getting a handle on things, but then this week happened. Up until this week what was happening wasn’t common knowledge then it became public. This led to a lot of messages checking in on me. I’ve been utterly blown away by the number and kindness of messages I’ve had from friends and family. I have massively appreciated each and every one, I really hope you all realise how much you mean to me.

I really do appreciate everyone looking out for me, please don’t feel bad for reaching out, I really needed some of those messages this week. it’s just made things rawer again.

Goals for 2024

So here we are, 2nd March 2024. I’ve set myself some goals for the rest of the year. They’re all achievable I think. Andy and Paul (SPA Professional Academy, I’d definitely recommend them if you want to do a CIM marketing course) who are my tutors for my CIM course would emphasize the importance of setting SMART objectives, so here goes

Starting with one that doesn’t meet the timebound criteria but it’s to lose weight and keep it lost. I’m not expecting it to continue as fast as it has so far but if most weeks it’s going in the right direction I’ll get there eventually.

By the end of the year, barring some freak injury, I will at least jog the whole 5k of Park Run. When I started this I was so out of shape that this was miles away (pun intended) from being possible but I’m already starting to feel fitter it’s definitely achievable.

Move on, Not sure what that will mean in real terms but I trust i’ll know when it happens

So what’s next

March plans include a couple of nights out and a gig. Starting tonight meeting the Apollo Travel crew. It’s 15 years since the doors closed for the final time in a few weeks so we’ve planned a bit of a reunion.

It’s good to talk

I cannot stress enough how helpful having Friends and family around this last couple of months. If anyone ever needs to talk, please get in touch. Whether it’s for advice or just for someone to be there to listen i’ll always be available.

If you don’t want to talk to me Mind has a list of helplines

Onwards and Upwards


2 thoughts on “2024 part 1”

  1. Jarv I nearly burst into my tears mysen reading this . I am so sorry that this has happened and you have been going through this .
    I so so so admire you for wishing Jen the best and it shows Jarv what kind of very decent soul you are the way your handling this .
    The fact that you are taking a look at your life and creating goals for yourself , this tells me that you are gonna be ok mate .


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