6 Months update – You don’t win friends with salad!

Today marks 6 months since I came to the realisation I had to lose a lot of weight. 26 weeks ago, after a night out at Chantry Tap venue, things had to change.

I’ve written a few updates over the last 6 months with an update of how things are going. 6 months seems like a good point to take stock. The original goal was to lose at least 8 stone 5 pounds from where I was.

So far I’ve lost 3 stone 11 or 53 pounds. I’m not sure what I was expecting in terms of pace originally but I’m incredibly happy with how things are going. I’ve achieved this by not living like a hermit or just eating Salad. Because you don’t win friends with Salad. I’ve still had plenty of nights out and a few takeaways etc.

My whole plan for this was “Making better choices.” The biggest challenge to this is work, where there is almost always treats of some sort, usually in my direct eye line. I’ve not completely ignored them but I’ve not felt the need to eat them because they are there.

Lately, I’ve noticed I feel less hungry too, and no longer feel like I have to eat everything on my plate because it’s there. This coupled with just eating less poor foods and upping my exercise amount has made the difference for me.

One thing that has taken a back seat is running. I set the goal of running a park run by the end of the year without stopping. I would like to do this still but it was always a secondary goal to being more healthy and losing weight. I’ve managed to run 5k a couple of times. I feel so much better and happier in myself than I have for a while.

It also helps to have met someone who makes me happy just to spend time with them and has given me so much more self-confidence to just be myself too. Life is pretty good.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has given me support, encouragement and when needed a kick up the backside, to get off my backside. My Family and friends have been and are awesome and I can’t thank you enough.

Goals for the rest of the year

There are 157 days left of the year, 150 days until Christmas. I’d like to lose another 20 pounds between now and the New Year’s fireworks.

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