Making Better Choices – 4 weeks in

So it’s been 4 weeks of “Making better choices”. 4 Weeks of making long-term changes to reduce my weight. In the previous post, I said I wanted to keep myself accountable. So, my plan is to post each month with an update.

So how is going?

Well, when I started, I weighed 313 pounds or 22 stone 5. That is more than a baby elephant. Apparently, it’s more than a large fridge freezer or a three-seat sofa. I said before my lifestyle change strategy was making better choices so that’s what I’ve been doing for the last 4 weeks.

Eating less generally, not trying to just finish everything because it’s there. Drinking less and snacking less. For me, it’s not about avoiding anything entirely just moderation. Cutting nice things out entirely sounds dreadful. That would surely end in failure.

So far over the 4 weeks, I’ve lost 18 lbs or 1 stone 4lbs. So far the progress has been faster than I was hoping for but I don’t expect this rate to continue. This week it was 2 lbs which is progress I’m more than happy with especially as this week included a Takeaway with family and a night out with old friends.

One downside to all this is sooner or later I’m going to need to buy some new clothes 😊 I won’t be posting a picture yet, but I bought a T-shirt at the Iron Maiden gig last year that I could barely get into and I can now.

I’ve said before how much healthier I feel day to day generally which is the main aim of it all. Please remember I don’t need a “well done, have a biscuit”. Even if I really do like biscuits. Just keep me honest and on the right track. And I expect you to kick my ass if I quit.


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