Week 19 – Now 3 stone lost!

This update is a week early for the simple reason this week I hit 3 stone lost. 3 stone 2 now. That’s 44bs since I started this at the beginning of February. I’m now 19 weeks in and seem to have settled into roughly 1 pound a week on average, or just over 1 pound. That total is about the same weight as an average 5 year old. You wouldn’t believe how much better I feel day to day.

There hasn’t been any harsh diets or a complete removal of anything fun. I’d have probably lost even more if not for nights out and treats but when I started this had to be sustainable. One change I have made this last few weeks as I’ve switched lager to Rum and diet coke in some cases when I go out. I found I like it and its roughly about 1/5 the calories. other than that it’s just been hitting 10,000 steps as often as possible, increasing other exercise,s and making better choices in terms of food.

The first 2 weeks of this block were really busy at work and also included 6 days in the NEC for exhibitions. 3 days for UK Games Expo and 3 days working Smart Factory Expo. Anyone who has attended exhibitions knows eating healthily is hard there.

This week has been a return to relative normality at work and it’s allowed me to start getting back to doing more exercise beyond just targeting my steps which has helped get back on track. I’ve still not done really any running so I need to start building that back in too

For one reason or another, this week has been really good and positive. I passed my Chartered Institute of Marketing course, I even won the lottery, a whole £2.60 Hopefully this continues and the progress continues at a similar pace.

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