Week twelve & I’ve lost a fiver

So another 4 weeks have passed and it’s been a busy time at work. There won’t be any real let-up for the next 6 weeks at least with work Open days and another exhibition to plan for and a big work celebration. I’m quite looking forward to the last one. I’ve seen the buffet menu and it looks mint. There’s a live band too, barry Crist and the bangers and some free booze, what’s not to like.

There are a couple of Gigs in the next month and a 1-day festival too. It’s not exactly been the cheapest few weeks either with a gig booked in London in October and booking the UK Games Expo at the End of May. Still, I am looking forward to both so that’s good. So a busy time all around but Let’s Fucking Go!

As expected the rate of weighloss has slowed down to a more realistic level with the last 4 weeks netting 5 pounds lost. I’m more than happy with that. I finally had to buy some new clothes, and, i’ll need to buy more soon. At least with the slower rate of weight loss they should fit me for a while.

Clothing sizes, i’ve dropped either 2 or 3 sizes depending on the cut, this also gives a lot more clothing options to choose from. So that’s positive even if it does mean some of my favourite T-shirts look like a tent.

I’ve barely done any running the last 4 weeks so need to get back to that too. Not a huge update this time, maybe more to report next time.

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